Meet the DirtFish Team: Stuart King

Who's job is it to DirtFish's rally cars looking so clean? Stuart King, that's who. Here's his story.

DirtFish’s fleet of Subaru rally cars run on gravel all day long, whether that’s in hot and dusty conditions or splashing through the mud after a typical Pacific Northwestern downpour.

Yet somehow those same cars still end the day looking squeaky clean. What magic is this?

There’s no sorcery in action, though – it’s our vehicle detailer Stuart King keeping our cars looking like a million bucks when the students turn up for class each morning.

While he drives our WRX STIs and BRZs at a slow pace to keep them nice and clean when transiting around our Snoqualmie base, on the sim he’s pushing rally cars to the max.

“Stuart is a great vehicle detailer, one of the best guys I have here at the shop,” says Jan Pasia, DirtFish’s vehicle operations manager.

“He is known for his strong work ethic. No matter what, he can always be depended on by the team to get the job done. Plus, he’s got a sharp wit and definitely can banter with the rest of the team!”

“Working with Stuart is a privilege and I look forward to his work and growth with the company.”

Watch the latest instalment of DirtFish: Meet The Team with Stuart below.
