How Colin McRae sent Donegal viral

In 2006 the Scot finished eighth in Donegal. Nobody remembers that. Everybody remembers this…

Trying to pick your favourite moment from more than half a century of Donegal International Rally action is never going to be easy. Until you watch the footage of a Metro missing a junction in Cairnhill.

Step aside Sébastien Loeb. Colin McRae’s got this one.

Loeb’s one and only outing in Letterkenny ended in a two-minute win over Mark Higgins. And, much as the Frenchman – then a three-time world champion – was hugely popular in Ireland, McRae in a Metro 6R4 the year before had been just that bit more special. And the Scotsman finished eighth.

Co-driven by Nicky Grist, McRae finished the opening day’s Donegal action inside the top-10 with everything looking good. Next day, things got a touch more tasty. There was a minor problem on the Knockalla stage: soon after the start, through the hairpins and about to commence the descent, onboard of Colin shows him looking down at his feet. He tries to mention something, but waits for Nick to deliver: “30, six-left-minus to five-minus.”

McRae: “The throttle’s jamming.”

Totally matter-of-fact. Totally cool and 100% calm.

The response?

“Oh s***… into six-left over long crest.”

It’s not hard to understand how this pair totally endeared themselves to rally fans around the world. But that was just the beginning to one Saturday in June, 18 years ago.

This video tells the story of the moment that followed, the moment the Donegal International Rally went viral.

Take it away boys.
