André Villas-Boas to bring C3 WRC to Portugal

The soccer manager will join the WRC's 50th anniversary celebrations next week with some demo runs


Soccer manager André Villas-Boas will bring his own Citroën C3 WRC to next weekend’s Rally Portugal to perform some demonstration runs.

Villas-Boas, a former Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspur and Marseille coach, has a keen passion for motorsport and rallying and even took part in last year’s World Rally Championship event behind the wheel of a C3 R5.

He finished 32nd overall and 12th in WRC3 before entering the European Rally Championship’s Rally Serras de Fafe later in the year behind the wheel of a Hyundai, where he retired with a mechanical issue.

But instead of competing this year, Villas-Boas will pilot his ex-Esapekka Lappi C3 WRC on a number of the Portuguese stages as part of the WRC’s 50th anniversary celebration that’s running throughout the weekend.

Villas-Boas has already driven the car, which he purchased last year as part of his private collection, around the Lousada circuit in Portugal as well as on the famous Vieira do Minho stage and described it as “something special”.

Other cars to star throughout Rally Portugal include an Alpine A110, Lancia Stratos, Audi Quattro, Lancia Delta S4, Toyota Corolla WRC and a Hyundai i20 WRC.

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The right way to enjoy a Citroën C3 WRC

David Evans hitched a ride with Alessandro Gino, the man behind Gino WRC, in Italy this week for an experience he won't forget.
