Video: Hollie McRae and Malcolm Wilson talk Colin’s Ford career

In an exclusive interview, Colin McRae's daughter finds out what her dad the ultimate driver for Ford

M-Sport managing director Malcolm Wilson takes a deep breath, smiles and admits defeat.

Hollie McRae’s first question about her father and his four years with the team has floored the Cumbrian.

“I don’t know where to start,” he laughed. “There were so many great memories.”

What follows is an emotional, revealing, entertaining interview, where Hollie gets to the heart of what it was that made her dad the man for Ford.

“I was coming to the end of my career as a driver,” smiled Wilson, “and he’d started to beat me. No, but to be honest, your dad was…”

Enough with the spoilers. Enjoy this December 25 holiday treat from DirtFish.
