Meet the DirtFish Team: Thomas Grisso

Numbers might be his game, but Thomas Grisso is also our resident football guru

As Thomas Grisso rightfully points out, there’s no business that can actually run without an accounting department.

DirtFish Rally School is no different. Rally is what we’re all about, but we need a variety of talented employees in a number of different roles for our operation to be as successful as it is.

And as an accounting clerk, Thomas has one of the most important jobs in the whole company.

But don’t for one second be tricked into thinking that it’s only numbers that inspire him. As a massive football fan and coach, keen explorer and owner of a gorgeous Mazda Miata, it’s fair to say Thomas has a lot to keep him occupied outside of work.

“Thomas can be deceiving,” said head of strategy Josie Rimmer.

“You think he’s just a numbers guy, but then he puts on his football coach uniform and tells you a story about working in construction.

“While his day-to-day is now filled with digits, Thomas is always open to give fantasy football advice or crack a joke.

“Our resident sweet tooth is also our top donut provider, and we certainly love him for it!”

Meet Thomas for yourself by watching the latest installment of Meet the DirtFish Team.
