When Subaru made Loeb an offer

On this week's pod, the team preview Rally Japan and recall stories from one of rallying's great seasons, 20 years on

Wales Rally Gb

Last week marked 20 years since Petter Solberg won the 2003 World Rally Championship, defeating Sébastien Loeb by just a single championship point.

Loeb of course then went on to dominate the succeeding nine seasons with Citroën, but what if he had moved teams?

We know Malcolm Wilson once made him an offer to join Ford for 2006, but two years earlier another team held advanced discussions with Loeb…


Could you imagine? Well, as George Donaldson explains on this week’s edition of SPIN, The Rally Pod, an offer was on the table!

Hear George’s fantastic story as he, Colin Clark and Luke Barry reminisce about Solberg’s title triumph, and look ahead to this week’s season finale in Japan.
